
August 12, 2021

That, my love, is life you see


her bones grew roots
and these roots grew trees
and the trees called the flowers
and the flowers called the bees
and the bees made honey
and the honey came with sting
but that my love
is life, you see
and the sting brought the fire
so the fire brought the rain
and the rain held the dirt
until the dirt made mud
and the mud kissed the skin
where the hurt was holding on
let it go
let it gone

cannon beach.jpg

Birds, water, and rocks. A few of my favorite things. drove over 4,000 solo miles to the Oregon coast and back, through Colorado, my home state of Utah, then Idaho. Made a million new memories.

My dream is to be able to live within biking distance of a large, clear body of water near the mountains. But for now, I’m back in Missouri.