is hauntingly beautiful and defiantly wild.

is terrifyingly relatable...

gives an honest look at the messy side of feeling and healing.

puts into words everything rough & beautiful about life that we all feel, but don’t talk about.

is both heart breaking and heart strengthening

has shifted my mindset helped me dive into myself and the world around me

here's the thing about wildflowers...they take root wherever they are. grow strong through the wind, rain, pain, sunshine, blue skies and starless nights. they dance, even when it seems there is nothing worth dancing for. they bloom. with or without you.

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Alisha’s poetry 

Read my series, Still Growing Wildflowers for powerful, healing, and empowering poetry.

Tired of healing? Then you’ll love my new poetry collection, The Worst of Me: Dark Poems and Grim Tales about Love, Life, and Losing Yourself. Find my books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or explore my poetry on TikTok.

here's the thing about wildflowers...they take root wherever they are. grow strong through the wind, rain, pain, sunshine, blue skies and starless nights. they dance, even when it seems there is nothing worth dancing for. they bloom. with or without you.

start your healing journey and order now on amazon

 loss, grief, and healing from childhood trauma.

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heartbreak & self love poetry

healing from childhood trauma, toxic relationships, and breaking cycles.

a poetry collection about love, life, and losing yourself.

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We expect people to fit into a box, to be something inherently beautiful. But the truth is, being human isn’t always pretty. Healing isn’t always beautiful. In fact, it can be pretty fucking ugly. My poetry explores just a small part of the human experience— the tenderness and the toughness, the grief, the brutal and the beautiful. It’s about embracing all parts of ourselves, even the parts we’re told are hard to love. Because true beauty lies in accepting yourself and loving who you are, flaws and all. And that’s what’s damn pretty.

Damn Pretty

your humanity is

i stopped picking at the flowers

is a garden. i belong to me.

the weeds go free. now my body

growing from my scars and let

the lovers

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“I was offered this book in therapy when I was going through a difficult time...and feel so seen. It’s beautifully written with many nature metaphors that recognize both the hard and the beautiful parts of the human experience.”

"This poetry will speak to any woman who has loved, who has lost, who has wondered if love is even worth it, and will remind you gently that always, love is always worth it, especially when that love is directed towards yourself."

I've read the entire book and it was amazing and surprisingly it taught me a few life lessons i should use."

"When writing truly touches your soul in this way it is an experience like no other. Knowing you are not alone and that surviving the hardest things is not only possible but can lead to the most amazing places you have ever been."

"Each word, each sentence, each page is hauntingly beautiful. I couldn’t put these books down. I accidentally happened upon book one and read it through blurry tears all at once. I immediately ordered the next two."

"I loved reading the incredible journey of a strong woman become even stronger from hard life lessons. all while being grounded and connected to mother earth."

read more about me

I published my first poetry book, Still Growing Wildflowers in January 2020. I didn't talk about it much because I didn't think it was "good enough." It was born from hurt and trauma and as someone who didn't have it "that bad" growing up, I felt embarrased by it sometimes. 

But then I had friends and family and even strangers tell me that they saw themselves in those pages. That my books helped them feel less alone, even inspired some to write their own poems.

So I kept writing.

I kept writing through trying to heal a marriage that was never really whole, a separation, and divorce. 

In June 2020 I moved into an apartment of my own, creating a new home with myself and two little wolves. I found myself on a path or redisovering and reclaiming my body. Healing from nine years of neglecting it. This is where I my second poetry book, The Lovers was created. Since then I've gone on to write two more books.

I write not just for me, but for you. I hope you find yourself in these pages. I hope they help you feel less alone, more inspired, and more free to express what you're feeling. 

And I hope you're brave enough to feel.


you're pushed into the dirt and everything is dark for a while. some days you feel like you're literally drowning, then you start to soften up. the soil around you starts to warm, you feel the sun and start to break out of your shell, pushing a little further each day, even when it rains and hurts like hell. you keep growing through the weeds and the wind. and one day, you bloom. not everyone will notice. not everyone will care and there will be others who don't even like you. but the thing is, you didn't bloom for them. You bloomed for you.

you're still growing wildflowers. start the series now

Think of your healing as a seed...

she's not lost she is free and this is her rising don't you see her wings?